An operator is a symbol that are used in program to compute values and test logical expressions .
Java operators can be classified into different categories:-
- Arithmetic operator
- Assignment operator
- Comparison operator
- Unary operator
- Logical operator
- Shift operator
- Bitwise operator
- Conditional operator
- Instance of and members selection operator
- New operator
Arithmetic operator :- Arithmetic operator is used to perform the arithmetic operations like Addition , Subtraction , Multiplication ,Division and Modulo Division.
These can be expressed as:-
Operator |
Operator name |
+ |
Addition |
- |
Subtraction |
* |
Multiplication |
/ |
Division |
% |
Modulo |
Assignment operator:- Assignment operator are used to assign the value of expression to the left hand operator .
It has two types -:
- Simple assignment operator
- Short hand operator
Simple assignment operator:- This is equal to (=) symbol is called assignment operator.
Syntax: variable = expression
Short hand operator:- Consider the example x=x+3 ,In java we can also write this type of statement as x+=3 , this also perform the same operation
Operator |
Example |
+= |
A+=B |
-+ |
A-=B |
*= |
A*=B |
/= |
A/=B |
%= |
A%=B |
Comparison operator:- Logical expression are developed using comparison operators or relational operators. The operators are evaluating true or false . It is mostly used in conditional statements and looping structure.
Operator |
Operator name |
< |
Less than |
<= |
Less than or Equal to |
>= |
Greater than or equal to |
== |
Equal to |
!= |
Not equal |
Unary operator:- Java supports two type of operator
- Increment operator
- Decrement operator
- Increment operator: The ++ increment operator add 1 to the operand . It is available in two forms .
- Prefix increment ++m
- Postfix increment m++
- Decrement operator: The decrement operator – can also be used in both prefix and postfix forms It decreases the value of variable by one.
- Prefix decrement --m
- Postfix decrement m—
Shift operator:- A shift operator allows you to perform bit operator allows you to perform bit manipulation on data . Java supports three types of Shift operator
- Left shift <<
- Right shift >>
- Right shift with zero fill >>> or unsigned right shift
Bitwise operator:- Java supports four type of bitwise operator they are AND , OR , XOR , and NOT
- Bitwise AND :- The bitwise AND is represented by a ‘&’ symbol AND result in 1 if both the bits are 1 any other combination results is 0
Operand1 |
Operand2 |
Result |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
- Bitwise OR :- The bitwise operator is represented by the symbol ‘||’.
Operand1 |
Operand2 |
Result |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
- Bitwise XOR :- The bitwise XOR operator is represented by the symbol ’^’ .If the two operand is different the result is one otherwise the result is zero.
Operand1 |
Operand2 |
Result |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
- Bitwise not :- NOT operator is used to Invert the value of each bit of the operand .
Operand1 |
Result |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Logical operator:- There are two logical operators available in Java .Java uses logical AND operator ‘&&’ and logical OR operator as ‘||’. Use of logical operator is to combine the result of Boolean expression.
Conditional operator or Ternary operator :- Java has a decision operator Called conditional operator. The conditional operator is known as ternary operator .
It’s general form is –
Test condition ? expressions:expression2;
Instance of operator:- This operator test whether an instance derive from a particular class or interface ‘Instance of ’ is the reserved word in java
The return type is Boolean .
New operator :- When we allocate memory to an object we must use the new operator because when we create an instance of the class we must allocate memory for it .
It is in two ways:
- Flower rose;
- Rose =new flower();
- Flower rose =new flower();
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