STEP 1: Open control panel

STEP 2: Open fonts

STEP 3: Select the font you want  and copy the font name.

STEP 4: copy the below codes.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts]
"Segoe UI (TrueType)"=""
"Segoe UI Bold (TrueType)"=""
"Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType)"=""
"Segoe UI Italic (TrueType)"=""
"Segoe UI Light (TrueType)"=""
"Segoe UI Semibold (TrueType)"=""
"Segoe UI Symbol (TrueType)"=""

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes]

"Segoe UI"="font name"

STEP 5: copy the above code and paste the font name you want             For example  replace font name to BAUHS93

STEP 6: copy the code and paste into the notepad                 And save it as a.reg by selecting all files                 And save it to your desktop

 STEP 7:open the reg file on your desktop and click on th yes and proceed.


STEP 8: after that  restart your PC.

STEP 9:  enjoy  

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